Step into the world of augmented reality and shift your experience of the digital world by creating your own face filter for Instagram or Facebook using Spark AR. Work with award winning First Nations artist and educator, April Phillips and step into a digital world of fun and wonder.
It’ll be heaps of fun!
Please Note
For this workshop you will need to have Meta Spark Studio downloaded and installed on either your Mac or PC desktop device prior to the event, as well as a Facebook/Instagram account login. (Meta Spark Player is also optional but not required for this session. It is a companion app which can be used to preview the filters created in Meta Spark Studio)
If you would like to follow along and participate live on the day with April, we recommend dual monitors or an additional device so you can watch April on one device and create in the Meta Spark Studio software on the desktop device.
Alternatively participants are invited to watch April's demonstration and tutorial live on the day, and then create on Meta Spark Studio later using the workshop recording provided as reference.
“I see another world and try to build it in a way that feels immersive”
April is Wiradjuri-Scottish educator, digital artist, graphic anthropologist and audience specialist with ancestry to the Galari people of regional NSW. She is passionate about innovative approaches to learning such as multi-modal resources and live virtual delivery. April is currently the First Nations Learning Designer with the Australian Children's Television Foundation, developing resources and education experiences for students across the nation.
From early 2020, April has contributed to Big hART’s NEO-Learning platform as the Creative Learning Producer under the Telstra Foundation Tech4Good program. April holds a Bachelor of Creative Arts and Design, and is currently obtaining a Masters of Education with a double specialisation: Design and Technology and Visual Arts. Her previous clients include: Australian Parliament House, National Gallery of Australia, National Portrait Gallery, Awesome Arts, Museum of Australian Democracy and the Art Gallery of SA.
Her digital arts practice is cemented around illustraton, VR + AR research and virtual material play. April leans into character design as a narrative tool to explore empathy, fun and form. Her use of vivid colour and unlikely digital processes celebrates the potential of computer art for a new world.