Art Teacherin' 101
I'm sharing all things art room management, from rules and routines to cultivating teamwork and raising up independent thinkers and creators. My goal is to share with you ways to be your very best art teacherin' self for your students, whether you are on a cart, virtual or in the classroom.
We are also going to do some serious self-discovery to find out exactly why it is we teach art. Why do you wake up every day, rush to school, fill paint trays, sharpen pencils and prep supplies only to do it all over again the very next day? Discovering and knowing your personal why is the biggest gift you can give to your art teachin' self and your students.
Passion and enthusiasm are contagious. If you can teach from that place, you will love to teach and your students will love to learn.
After spending entirely too long at Indiana University getting her degree in both painting and art education, Cassie Stephens did her student teaching in the magical land of Ireland. While she was away, her parents, fully aware of her slacker ways, sent out 52 art teacherin’ job applications to such far away places as Alaska. One such place that called her for an interview was Nashville, Tennessee. On a whim, she loaded up her jean-jumpers, resume and chain-smoking grandma and made the trip to Nashville where she landed her first teaching gig.
Fast forward nearly 15 years and Cassie had settled down with her husband and their three cats. Sadly, she’d fallen into an art teacherin’ slump rehashing stale art lessons, still wearing those sad jean jumpers and doing little creating of her own. It was then that she decided to create a blog that might help snap her out of her funk. She’ll be sharing more about that here in a moment.
Zip forward once more to the present. These days, you can find Cassie teaching in Franklin, Tennessee, just south of Nashville. She’s written two books filled with sewing and clay crafts for kids and art teachers alike. You can also take a listen to her podcast where she shares all things life and art teacherin’.